Here are some people making change through Philanthropy in the Equestrian World 2021
“It is prodigious, the quantity of good that may be done by one man if ...
Palm Beach Equine Clinic (PBEC), one of the world’s foremost equine veterinary clinics, began working with nearby Vinceremos Therapeutic Riding Center (VTRC) m...
Robert Ross was 30 when he and his future husband, Robert Dover, and a group of friends, founded the Equestrian AIDS Foundation. Twenty-five years later, ...
It's likely that Victoria McCullough has saved more horses from slaughter than anyone else in America.
Victoria McCullough is chairman of Chesapeake Petrole...
Brooke USA launched its inaugural summer photo competition on June 15, 2019, raising both awareness and funds in a new and exciting way for working equines and...
Above: Opening Day ceremonies at the Hampton Classic featured a parade of adoptable horses presented by the Equus Foundation: Left to right Equus Foundation fou...
Georgina Bloomberg has channeled her love of animals and the sport of riding into much of her charitable work.
In July, she was appointed chair of Human...
GEORGINA BLOOMBERG’s two foster rescues are looking for forever homes.
Photo for Equestrian Living by George Kamper.
Georgina introduces two of her favorite f...