Once considered taboo, wallpaper is now the perfect way
to highlight your personal style.
Vanity Fair’s Hunter Captain by Spoonflower. $60 per 12-foot roll. spoonflower.com
Pheasant (in camo) by Barnaby Gates is an important symbol of traditional British countryside. $114 per 10-meter roll. barnabygates.com
Hunting Scenes by Lewis & Wood celebrates the thrills and spills of the hunt. Price upon request. lewisandwood.co.uk
Horse & Tassel by Katie Kime is the right mix of classic and playful. $188 per double 27-foot roll. katiekime.com
Mayhill Horse and Hound nursery paper by Hague & Gray depicts rural life surrounding Gloucestershire, UK. $72 per 10-meter roll. hagueandgray.co.uk
Traditional Foxhunt Plaid by Spoonflower. $60 per 12-foot roll. spoonflower.com