With the arrival of spring, the annual FASHION FEATURE in the May/June 2024 issue of Equestrian Living magazine takes a pre-launch peek at what equestrian fashion brands are rolling out. Along with highly technical fabrics and exquisite silhouettes, the brands are adding unexpected vibrancy in a tapestry of colors making waves and gaining favor in the show ring and training arena.

On an unparalleled riding experience, writer Betsy Stein joins cowboys and cattle on a five-day CATTLE DRIVE from Southern Utah to the northern rim of the Grand Canyon. From the open plains to the narrow canyon passages, it was a journey of a lifetime.

Readers will also enjoy meeting ELENA HAAS, the rising show jumper powerhouse and full-time college student, a gallery of sculptures by U.K. sculptor Hamish Mackie, and décor ideas for outdoor living.