How did you first get involved with horses? What is your background?
Although I wasn’t born into a horsey family, horses have been a part of my life ever since the age of four. My first love of horses started when I was four years old at a birthday party, and I wouldn’t get off the pony ride even when they were cutting the cake. The poor man was trying to get the horses loaded to go home, and he finally turned to my Mom and said “You know I teach lessons if you want to come take your daughter,” and the rest is history. I grew up primarily riding hunter/jumpers but since then have dabbled in almost every discipline possible. I love that you never stop learning with horses.
This led me down a really diverse path with horses in the forefront. I ended up studying Equestrian Studies at the University of Findlay and riding on both the IHSA and IDA teams with high hopes of riding professionally. Unfortunately, I had a pretty bad riding accident that jeopardized that future for me and made me change course. I then ended up working on the business end of the industry with some of the top brands in the equestrian world and also as an equine nutrition consultant. I then later found my true calling of healing horses with my work doing energy readings and bodywork.

Describe Spirit Horse Collective to someone who is new to energy work.
Spirit Horse Collective energy work is a very grounded, intuitive practice. When I started learning about energy healing, I was really fortunate to have some amazing teachers in my life and learn the difference between intuitive healing and reiki. I personally don’t like reiki, and after having experienced it, I will not have it practiced on me. Reiki connects to higher realms and also works in them. There is a set protocol a practitioner must follow, and it focuses on allowing energy to flow where it’s needed. This leaves you and your horse on a bit of a high, only to come down after a few days or even hours after. Since the energy is focused so high up it doesn’t ground, I noticed in myself and in horses that they weren’t making the as noticeable and long-lasting shifts that were needed. Intuitive Energy Healing is a very focused, grounded practice. I am connected to the Earth, Source, and Guides. Hands and movements are intuitively guided to facilitate healing with the goal of working through deeper energetic layers to connect all bodies. This means your horse will leave the session feeling more in their body and each following session helps them further progress so they aren’t stuck in the same patterns. Instead of feeling like you’re on a high and that fleeting “feel good” feeling, you can actually feel yourself drop into your body and your nervous system starts to recalibrate. You feel grounded and empowered because you truly are in your body, not floating above it.

When/how did you discover your gift?
Looking back, it was pretty evident I had it all along without realizing it, like many of us do. We are all born with our own intuitive innate gifts. It is like a muscle and the more you use it the stronger it gets. I was always really connected to horses when I was younger and people would always comment about the bond I shared with my heart horse, Stella. However, my catalyst was when I unexpectedly lost Stella. It led me down my spiritual journey that made me take accountability for my own healing. I was then put into alignment with my metaphysical teachers to develop my gifts.
How did you shift this work into a career?
In a way I fell into this work. I had been practicing it on myself and my animals for many years before even considering making a career out of it. During COVID, I took time to get back to things that made me happy instead of being stuck in the corporate world I had spent a lot of my life in. Part of reigniting my passion was to make energy work tangible for all horse owners. Since we manifest all these ailments in our body I decided to become a Certified Equine Massage Therapist. This modality helped me connect the physical body with the emotional and spiritual body through energy work to give a whole horse approach that was unique to our industry.
Tell us about your 3 core services.
Intuitive Bodywork is my in-person service for all those living on the central coast of California. Here the main focus is on the physical body and helping horses stay in peak physical condition and improve their overall well-being. I like thinking of bodywork as being the first line of defense. It helps you have a check-in with your horse’s physical condition on a regular basis so you can hopefully catch issues before they turn into bigger problems. What is unique about my bodywork sessions is that each session also incorporates intuitive healing, so we are addressing issues that run deeper than just muscles. In this way, we are keeping your horse feeling their best—mind, body, and spirit.
The Equine Soul Connection Talisman Sets are for horse owners worldwide. What’s really beautiful about this service is that you get a unique write-up that talks about the soul connection you share with your horse, how it was brought together, the energy you two are currently working through, and what you’re working towards. In addition to your write-up, you get a custom crystal bracelet and bridle charm set that specifically is designed to support you on the current stage of your spiritual journey. Each crystal holds a specific vibration and meaning, so it is unique to you and your horse. Talsimans have been used for centuries to act as a protective amulet, and with Spirit Horse Collective, each one is charged to help deepen the bond you share with your horse. This service is perfect for anyone looking to connect to their horse on a deeper level and really understand why their connection was brought to be because horses don’t come into our lives by accident.
The Equine Energetic Body Scan is for horse owners worldwide that are looking to get to the root of imbalances in their horse. While the talisman sets focus on the spiritual connection you share, this focuses solely on your horse and how they are feeling in their body. I like to tell people that I don’t think of myself as an animal communicator but rather an intuitive healer. What that means is that instead of just opening the lines of communication like you would a phone call between me and your horse, I’m actually scanning their bodies to find where they are energetically off and how we can best support them to bring them back into balance. While this service by no means replaces veterinarian care or your regular health practitioners, it is supposed to help educate and shine light on things you may not be seeing or haven’t been brought to the surface yet with the goal of giving you practical steps you can use to help better your horse’s life.

How does a horse owner/rider know their horse may need to work with you?
I think any horse owner that wants to tune into their horse on a deeper level can benefit from working with me!
Have you worked with other members of a horse’s team, like veterinarians, farriers, etc., with a horse who is having an issue?
I’ve been so fortunate to be connected to a wonderful community here on the central coast of California, where I live. One of my favorite horse success stories involved being referred to a client from a great local vet here that had done all the diagnostics under the sun for this horse. She mentioned to the owner that it would be worthwhile getting bodywork done on this horse to see what we could unravel. We were all able to work together alongside the farrier, acupuncturist, and chiropractor to help this horse get back into the show ring after a year of battling him not being right. He actually just won the hunter derby here this past week! I am so grateful to work with so many wonderful horse owners and trainers that prioritize their horse’s healthcare above all.
Describe how crystals & talisman jewelry “work”.
Since gemstones are naturally occurring, they carry specific vibrations based on the unique way that atoms and molecules interact with a particular crystal formation. They have been used for centuries in both powerful healing and intention-setting. My mission is to bring these ancient techniques back to our modern equestrian world. By having these ethically sourced crystals in your immediate energy field, you can change your vibration while using them to serve as a powerful reminder of your intention. In turn, our minds will shift to manifest the outcome we truly desire. The idea behind the bracelet and bridle charm talisman sets is to energetically cord you and your equine partner together to deepen the bond you share and connect you on a deeper level.
What has been your favorite part of your business?
I absolutely have loved doing the Equine Energetic Body Scans! It’s been such an amazing, tangible way to give owners/riders new tools to help their horses and connect to their own innate gifts. I’ve been able to help horses across the world, from Australia to horses prepping for big competitions like the World Equestrian Games. The whole goal of these scans isn’t to replace veterinary care, and they aren’t diagnostic in nature, but to educate and shine light on some of the small and often big things that can go overlooked. My goal is to leave you feeling empowered and give you measurable tools to help your horse progress or give you new insight into paths to explore with your other healthcare practitioners.

What is your favorite horse/animal-related charity?
Recently, I’ve immersed myself in the world of wild horses after rescuing one of my own. American Wild Horse Conservation and Return to Freedom have been amazing resources to learn more about the plight these wild horses have been facing and how we can get involved to help keep the Spirit of America alive through these majestic animals.
Learn more about Spirit Horse Collective and connect with Molly at