The Century Club recognizes North American dressage riders and horses whose combined ages total 100 years or more. Horse and rider perform a test of any level, at a show (schooling or recognized) or event, and are scored by a dressage judge or professional. Western Dressage riders are welcome to join the Century Club. An application must be completed and sent to The Dressage Foundation at least two weeks prior to the event.
So many of the wonderful biographies in the Century Club News are stories of long time relationships between people and horses. There is a heartwarming thread to them that touches anyone who has owned and loved a horse. This one is no different.

Comet (Miacomet, Sire Moreno Hanoverian X Dam Speedy Tour Thoroughbred) was born in my barn in 1995. Her mother, Speedy, was a lovely mare, but starting to have health problems so my vet and I thought breeding was a good option. I had never bred before, but being a novice, I plunged right in. I was able to raise, train and show her until she was 17 at which time she was retired to a loving family farm with four people to spoil her.
I am lucky to live in an area where there are wonderful trainers, and we took advantage of many of them. They know who they are, and I silently thank them whenever I think of all the lessons they provided. We focused on dressage but did some cross training; both trail riding and very small jumps. My goal was always to get my Bronze Medal, which we did in 2012. Just for fun we developed a Free Style and performed that at many shows.
Comet was always a willing partner, and our Century Ride was no exception. After years of trail riding and having fun with her retired family, I started schooling her again to prepare for our ride, and I could tell she was completely into it. The day of our ride, in August 2023, she backed off the trailer, took one look around, and I could see her say, “Oh, yeah, I got this!” And she did. What a good mare, what fun we’ve had together over the years and that special day.
No journey like this is ever accomplished alone. In a 28 year relationship, there are so many people to thank: my family, who always supported me in my riding, my horse buddies, the many trainers and barn owners over the years and of course Comet’s new retirement family whose dutiful care of her for the last 9 years made this day possible.