Location: Eastern Shore of Maryland
Architects: Wiedemann Architects
Builder: Blue Point Construction
The owner of this 100-acre farm on the Eastern Shore of Maryland has six dogs, primarily Chesapeake Bay retrievers and boucherons. To comfortably house them, Wiedemann Architects created a special kennel. It is on the same farm as the Dutch barn published in EQLiving Dec. 2018 issue. Wiedemann has designed 22 buildings on this property.

In addition to the kennel area, space is provided for the preparation of food for the dogs and an office with a break room for staff. The kennel’s exterior design utilizes a palette traditional to the region, and the barn forms a courtyard with two other barns in the working area of the farm. The cupola provides ventilation and is crowned with a custom Chesapeake Bay retriever weathervane.

Somewhat recollective of a traditional horse barn, each “stall” is devoted to one of the dogs. A Dutch door leads out of each stall to the run-out area. The interior is illuminated by a central ridge skylight which bathes the interior with natural light.