Iknow that we’re known for our hunter/jumper-event photography, but we also specialize in equine portraiture. I am also a huge aviation fan and a pilot myself, so when the opportunity came to photograph my two favorite things together, I had to make it happen. Louisa Brackett’s father is also a pilot, and she named all her horses after Boeing B-17s (Memphis Belle, King Bee, and Aluminum Overcast). Experimental Aircraft Association’s Aluminum Overcast was on a tour of the country and had a stop nearby in Illinois. I contacted Louisa and her family, along with her trainer, Lisa Goldman, to see if we could find a way to put this all together. They were, of course, on board, so we were able to work it out with the airport and the crew to schedule a quick shoot in the morning before the aircraft was open to the public for tours. When we arrived, the airplane was in an awkward location, and the crew was gracious enough to taxi her over to a more favorable spot for the shoot. We had about 20 minutes to work, and we were able to capture some stunning images of Louisa and both Aluminum Overcasts. It was truly a shoot of a lifetime, and with the numbers of flying B-17s dwindling down to less than a handful at this point, I know it’s one that will probably never happen again.

Andrew Ryback, with his dog Ansel, is an international sport horse and portrait photographer. Andrew and his team cover more than 60 horse shows per year from coast to coast. When he’s not in a ring capturing all the action, Andrew loves capturing the special bond between horse and rider with equine portrait sessions. Andrew Ryback Photography also specializes in equine marketing and equine catalog photography.
To read the July/August Equestrian Living issue, click here and to see most of Andrew Ryback’s photography check out his website.