Rain brings out fun WET-WEATHER ACCESsORIES that keep you dry and stylish.The San Francisco Umbrella Company uses colorful, animal prints. $29.95. sfumbrella.comRedBubble offers cool phone cases designed by independent artists. Prices vary. redbubble.comHunter’s original tall gloss rain boots are a wet-weather staple. $150 hunterboots.comForgo your umbrella in favor of Lock and Co. Hatter’s Gortex wide-brimmed rain hat. $190. lockhatters.co.ukEllsworth and Ivey’s wax cotton cape is lined with cozy flannel. $388. ellsworthandivey.comBoden’s Whitby waterproof jacket keeps the wet out and cozy in, with gray-sky-defying vibrant colors. $135. bodenusa.comThe raindrop tote from Ahomy is casual yet fashionable. Toss in your umbrella, just in case. $35. Available at amazon.comHills Hats of New Zealand’s Sou’wester comes with an internal oilskin neck and ear flap protection. $90. hillshats.co.nzThe MacKenzie waxed cotton outback hat from Hills Hat of New Zealand protects in any type of weather. $118.90. hillshats.co.nz