Creative ways to display your winning style
Do you remember when you left your first horse show with those precious ribbons, symbolizing all your hard work and the resulting success? Suddenly, though, after just a few shows, there are more ribbons than you know what to do with. But they are still meaningful symbols of your accomplishment. What to do with all these ribbons?

Barn Smart offers cute teddy bears made of your ribbons. Prices begin around $225.

Mjoydesign on will take four to six of your favorite ribbons and custom-make a belt for you.

An elegant way to display ribbons are in over-sized apothecary jars and clear glass ginger jar lamps.

Having your ribbons woven into quilts is an inventive and fun way to enjoy your awards, without having to build a whole room to display them all! Too often those hard-earned ribbons are stored away in boxes or simply tossed in the trash. Ribbon quilts are the perfect conversation piece and can serve as a reminder of your hard work, those fun times, and your dearest horse companions.

If you’re out of wall space, but just can’t stand to pack away those ribbons, Melissa Mallet offers one of the more inventive ways to utilize your old ribbons. She sews your ribbons into stuffed horses, which can make an adorable decoration on the awards shelf, or an adorable present for a young rider.
Originally published Fall 2012